August 19, 2008

Computer Related Frustration Syndrome

It was rather expected: we have been experiencing some problems getting on the web... The Chinese computers we have come across so far, have been of the 5-year old, trashy, HIV-infected kind with unnumerable weird windows popping up. You know: slow and unreliable, keyboard either not working or the typing language set in unalterable Chinese pinyin characters.
Getting pictures from the camera is proving to be an ever bigger headache.
But hey: that's what it's like and we'll just have to cope with it. So don't be surprised if it's a bit quiet from time to time: we expect Central-Asia to be not much brighter in this respect...


zement said...

Sounds like the ancient unix PCs in the old room in the Plateaustraat with no GUI, where I used to type blog entries in the 90s using Lynx. Those were the days... Have fun, you two!

Anonymous said...

It is actually apsolutley amazing (at least for me) that you are able to find internet cafes and trying to publish the photos (simple reason is that apart from bigger towns in Croatia, computer and internet is quite unknown concept)...thank you for your effort and patience to share photos and experiences while browsing chinese keyboard :)