December 13, 2008

Pictures? Drawings?

It must have come to your attention already: it has been ages since we uploaded some more pictures to the blog. From somewhere in Iran, it seems...

This doesn't mean there are no more pictures, it merely means that finding a PC where we can upload them easily enough has been a major headache. Just hang on there, there will be more material uploaded as soon as opportunity arises...

Undoubtedly, all of you have been craving for more artistic works of Floris. On this point as well, there is good news: there are quite some new drawings ready for publication. Same here: a bit more patience, please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strong done, already Warsaw! But third Advent already too... some more countrys to pass. Even if Stockholm is not on your route for now, feel welcome here whenever the wind turns, while crossing the Baltic Sea. Or is the last bit ment to go strictly overland too?
All the best. A&H
PS: Just returned from Bangkok where we - by lucky timing - managed to avoid the one-week-airport-shut-down and following chaos, enjoying a thai-smiling sky phenomeon instead. (same as photographed here)